Web page development

A full-service Web page development service starts with research, analysis and preparation of a concept. Next there is programming, as well as the installation of a content management system and content.

Development of high-quality Web pages

A high-quality Web page is an important source of information about your products and services while also shaping an appropriate image for you. That means that the Web page must operate quickly and be easily updatable so as to create excellent experience for users while always being timely.

Deliberative and wise solutions

We believe that the development of a good and high-quality Web page is skilful preparation - research, analysis of existing data (Google Analysis), and a precise strategy.

  • Each Web page development project is individual, because each one will have its own functions, content and goals. It is not possible to offer a general statement about costs. Fill out the application form (Get a price) or get in touch with us, and we will make a precise offer.
  • Maintenance requires investments to ensure that a Web page is effective and sustainable. Content must be updated and adapted, and the system must be regularly updated, as well. The cost will large depend on how often this is necessary and on how complicated the work is.
  • We offer the WordPress content management system to most of our clients. We have chosen that system for Web page development because it is simple to install and is a functional instrument to maintain content.